Proposed New Rules for Workplace Protection Against Wildfire Smoke

Not much is known about the true effects wildfire smoke has on outdoor workers, yet many regions are considering installing new rules to protect workers against associated workplace health hazards. Wildfires generate copious amounts of smoke into the atmosphere which can linger and spread far distances affecting many diverse workplace industries, and those that must work outdoors are directly at risk. Certain complications affecting respiratory and cardiovascular systems are known to be caused directly from smoke inhalation, and protections in the new rules will seek to provide for those ailments. 

Many different components have contributed to the new rules and certain regions have been in discussions for multiple years over the specific regulations to be imposed. Lawmakers have been diligently working with environmentalists, scientists, medical professionals, public involvement, and those predominantly affected to develop succinct rules that can protect those at risk. Certain areas more severely affected by climate change, drought, and dry conditions will continue to increase frequency of wildfires posing additional risks for industries and any employee conducting business outdoors. 

Effects of Smoke Exposure

Smoke exposure can invoke a variety of different complications to the human body, particularly affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems of those exposed. Wildfire smoke is different from cigarettes or exhaust due to the variety of different gas combinations and particulate matter. The mix of gasses and fine particulates form from burning vegetation, structures, or other materials. Studies suggest breathing in wildfire smoke can have instantaneous effects on anytype of individual, regardless of health. 

Immediate Symptoms

  • Coughing

  • Breathing difficulties 

  • Stingy eyes

  • Dry throat

  • Runny nose

  • Irritated sinuses

  • Wheezing and shortness of breath

  • Chest pain

  • Headache

  • Asthma attacks

  • Tiredness

  • Accelerated heartbeat

Immediate side effects from smoke inhalation can rapidly degrade a person’s ability to effectively work, travel, or participate in outdoor activities. These symptoms can continue to persist for extended periods of time, even when a person removes themselves from the source of the smoke.

The difficulties when assessing smoke inhalation risks in regards to wildlife smoke is the percentage of pollutant particulate matter. Health effects when dealing with air particulates can range from relatively minor symptoms to more serious long term health effects. The fine particulates are respiratory irritants that can cause persistent coughing, phlegm build up, difficulty breathing, and impacts to the entire respiratory system. These particulates can decrease the body’s ability to effectively remove foreign materials from the lungs, leading to excess bacteria and viral infections. Even people without underlying conditions can experience reduced respiratory activity including lung irritation and pulmonary inflammation. 

Long term exposure to wildfire smoke inhalation has relatively little known data to conclusively make assessments, however studies involving prolonged exposure to severe conditions over several days and weeks suggest a cumulatively negative effect on the lung’s capacity to provide clean oxygen to the body. Difficulties in assessing the effects of wildfire exposures is due to the lack of detailed studies on the general public's reaction to those conditions compared to the studies conducted on wildland firefighters directly in the pathway of dangerous smoke conditions. Gaps in the knowledge also fail to accurately depict the status of persistent health conditions in the wildlife offseason for workers. 

Protections From Wildfire Smoke

The most effective way to prevent wildfire smoke inhalation health effects is by limiting a person’s direct exposure to the elements. The Center for Disease Control has published a variety of tips for the public to avoid developing health complications in the height of wildlife season. 

  1. Observe local air quality conditions

    1. News and health networks will release warnings and condition updates when there is a wildfire in your area. Take safety precautions by limiting your exposure to the outdoors when under advisory. 

  2. Evaluate health guidelines if they are available to your area.

  3. Stay indoors and keep indoor air as clean as possible. 

    1. Keeping inside air sealed from outside pollutants is almost as important as staying inside. 

  4. Use an air filter

    1. Air filters will help remove potential harmful particulates from the air you are breathing.

  5. Do not rely on dust masks for protection

    1. Comfort and dust masks will not protect you from smoke as they are only designed to stop large materials like sawdust. 

    2. A typical N95 used for covid will provide some protection if you must be exposed to the elements. 

Proposed rulings for regional safety precautions for employers are based on the Air Quality Index (AQI) tool used by the Environmental Protection Agency to measure air quality. The AQI utilizes a rating system to quantify the probability of danger to the respiratory system and anyone outdoors. The rules outline necessary protections for when the AQI denotes dangerous particulate conditions in the air quality. 

AQI Rules - Rating spans 0 to 500 or higher

0 to 69

  1. Air quality is satisfactory and no risk to outdoor exposure. 

  1. 69 to 100

    1. Air quality is acceptable but may pose certain risks to sensitive individuals or those with underlying conditions. 

    2. Wildfire smoke response plan and recommended emergency response measures for workers experiencing any associated symptoms. 

  2. 101 to 300

    1. Some members of the public may begin to experience health complications and respiratory symptoms, while those with underlying conditions may react more severely. 

    2. Provide respiratory protections 

    3. Feasible working conditions with necessary precautions 

  3. 301 to 500

    1. Respirator use for affected workers

    2. At least N95 masks for every employee

    3. Full workplace respiratory protection program

  4. Higher than the AQI

    1. An N95 does not offer satisfactory protections, and more advanced respirators are required. 

Wildlife Risks for 2023

With summer shortly beginning across the United States what are the predicted risks for wildfires?

Areas in the western United States prone to severe wildfires include dry regions with adequate amounts of vegetation like California, Washington, and Colorado. The threat between April and June will be very low, but gradually increase with summer temperatures and lack of moisture. 

The peak wildlife season is expected to last between August and September, with some areas to remain under advisory until late November. The 2022 season observed more than 7 billion acres of land burned by wildfires and although 2023 has seen more moisture in certain areas then previously recorded, that statistic will likely remain the same if dry conditions prevail later in the year. 

The Northwest and Rockies observed a dryer than average winter, which means those regions will face a higher risk of wildfires as the snowpack melts quickly with the onset of summer temperatures. Some forecasters are placing the start of severe wildfires season as early as June in some of these at risk areas. Forecasters also released warnings that although many states are unaffected by the direct outburst of severe wildfires, the spread of smoke across the nation can continue to pose long lasting effects and should be taken seriously. 

Dangers of Extreme Heat Faced by Outdoor Workers

Many outdoor workers face a common problem every year: managing summer heat and health complications while on the job. Summer temperatures in southern regions of the United States and other parts of the world are increasing yearly, posing additional risks to these types of employees. However, the risks and complications are not equally imposed, and different types of workers may be at even higher risk, according to experts. 

Three of the hottest cities in the United States where workers are at increased risk include Phoenix, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas. Certain studies have explored the relationship between heat indexes in these southwestern states and work-related injuries, revealing expected trends toward higher temperatures and people getting sick. 

These higher-than-average temperatures often reach more than 88°F during the summer and can cause many health complications. Extended exposure to exorbitant heat can result in dehydration, unconsciousness, heat stroke, and lack of perspiration. Severe heat exposure cases can damage internal organs, disrupting the central nervous system, blood clotting, liver functions, and kidneys.

Due to complications imposed by global warming, summer temperatures continue to increase and expose workers to heat waves, droughts, and higher temperatures. Outdoor workers that face these temperature challenges include industries such as agriculture, construction, maintenance, recreation, and more. Heat-related injuries can keep workers out of a job, sometimes up to 30 days, while healing. The extended recovery times for workers who have experienced heat-related injuries can significantly impact employees and their families. The risks of these work-related injuries impact the lower-class workers at an even higher rate. Researchers also discovered a higher percentage of female workers reported heat-related injuries.

Studies between 2011 and 2018 suggested an increase from 50 to 86 percent of people affected by work-related heat injuries identified as female. The increase in the disproportionate cases of affected female workers may result in more women entering the workforce, specifically into roles within outdoor industries. These results have inspired further research into the hormonal risk component associated with the different heat risks between sexes. Specific biological cycles may place women at higher risks than their male counterparts. 

Another demographic at greater risk of heat-related injuries includes long-standing employees. The same study found that increased work heat complications correlated with increased length of stay at the worker’s company. Employees with five or more years of experience were at a greater risk of work-related heat injuries than employees with less than one year. Experts suggested the increased risk of these long-standing employees may be due to the lack of risk perception or the cumulative tolerance built from chronic heat exposure during their years of service. 

More research is being conducted on the types of employees at the most significant risk and different safety methods these vital outdoor industries can implement to decrease heat-related health implications.

California in the Dark Amidst Environmental Regulations

Californians are sweating, and in the dark as sweeping new environmental regulations, healthcare, and climate change contribute to rolling blackouts across the state. California is home to the world’s fifth-largest economy, boasting a GDP of more than 3.4 trillion USD. The state is occupied by more than 39 million people and accommodates more than 213 million people annually. 

This state has had its fair share of financial difficulties accommodating such large population sizes as global climate change continues to increase environmental pressures on the region’s resource accessibility. Many of California’s largest cities have suffered ongoing climate changes that have reduced accessible water, energy, and moderate temperatures. The majority of California’s resources are delegated to the densely populated lower two-thirds of the state, where problems were initially acknowledged more than 100 years ago when people started mass settling in the early 1900s

Sweeping environmental and renewable energy reforms over the last decade have put the state in a place where it can supply most of its energy needs with solar power during the day. However, the energy storage from the solar sources is insufficient to supply the large demographic at night and in the summer, leading to rolling blackouts and intermittent periods of energy shortages. These unfortunate events often happen during the summer when extremely high temperatures in the state's southern portion exacerbate high energy usage, often fueling high taxing air conditioning units in both the private and public sectors. 

The lack of adequate energy resources and continued climate change increasing environmental pressures on the region have forced lawmakers like California governor Gavin Newsom to sign bills facilitating the implementation of fossil fuel subsidies. The fossil fuel legislation contradicts many of the environmental principles California is slowly shifting toward as they move toward a green economy. The governor argues that the state’s use of fossil fuels is necessary and unavoidable as the current renewable sources do not have the facilities to accommodate the state’s needs effectively. He told reporters that these fossil fuel bills are simply buying time for the state’s residents until additional renewable storage facilities can be produced.

Proponents on the fossil fuel side of the debate argue that the governor’s new legislation proves the state needs to utilize already established oil and gas industries instead of completely switching prematurely to renewables before the industry is fully developed. Energy shortages can be extremely detrimental and even deadly, especially with summer temperatures often exceeding more than 86 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Environmental groups have also criticized the state’s decisions explaining there would have been adequate renewable storage facilities available in the state had moved faster to establish the industry amidst earlier concerns and initial environmental legislation. Many environmentalists also argue the new bills lack clearly observed limits to prevent fossil fuel expansion across the state, and reduced regulations on industry leader’s development protocols can significantly impact local environments. 

Building an electrical infrastructure will be an environmentally safe and effective method for reducing fossil fuel use. California is among the first states to lead the movement and the system’s complex logistical problems. There are many sides to the debate, but the current industry is not supplying enough energy for California residents and businesses. 

IPCC Climate Change Report Finds That Major Climate Changes Are Inevitable and Irreversible

The United Nations formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to inform national governments about the science and potential impacts of climate change. Humans have heated the planet by roughly 1.1°C since the 19th century, mainly from burning coal, oil, and gas for energy. 

The consequences of global warming can be seen this summer alone, with heatwaves across the US and Canada, floods devastating Germany and China, and wildfires are raging out of control across the world. Unless immediate, rapid, and large-scale action is taken to reduce emissions, the report says, the average global temperature is likely to reach or cross the 1.5°C warming threshold within 20 years. 

Some key points from the IPCC report:

  • Global surface temperature was 1.09C higher in the decade between 2011-2020 than between 1850-1900.

  • The past five years have been the hottest on record since 1850

  • The recent rate of sea level rise has nearly tripled compared with 1901-1971

  • Human influence is "very likely" (90%) the main driver of the global retreat of glaciers since the 1990s and the decrease in Arctic sea-ice

  • It is "virtually certain" that hot extremes including heat waves have become more frequent and more intense since the 1950s, while cold events have become less frequent and less severe

While this report is more clear and confident about the downsides to warming, the scientists are more hopeful that if we can cut global emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by the middle of this century, we can halt and possibly reverse the rise in temperatures. 

Reaching net-zero involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible using clean technology, then burying any remaining releases using carbon capture and storage or absorbing them by planting trees.

According to a draft of an upcoming IPCC scientific report, some lifestyle changes could also cut emissions twice the size of Brazil’s current emissions by 2030. Changes include heating and cooling set-point adjustments, reducing appliance use, shifting to human-centered mobility and public transit, reduced air travel, and improved recycling. The draft IPCC found that individual behavior change in isolation cannot reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly, but individuals can contribute to overcoming barriers and enable climate change mitigations. 

The full second report, set to be released in 2022, will detail how climate change might affect human society, such as coastal cities, farms, or health care systems. A third report, also expected next year, will explore more fully strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and halt global warming.

Cal/OSHA with 4 Reminders - Protect Outdoor Workers From Deadly Heat This Summer

Heat exposure is a safety concern taken seriously by Cal/OSHA. High heat inspections at outdoor work sites are conducted to ensure workplace environments are in compliance with California’s heat illness prevention regulation and other workplace safety and health requirements.

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